Sunday, January 2, 2011


it is seductive, manipulative, all-consuming. it is ideal, comfortable, beautiful.

it is a source of pain and hopeless yearning for an idealized past.

it is like a psychotropic drug. you know the low is going to come eventually and is going to last really long, yet you want to experience the temporary high.

So, here's to hoping for a year and rest of my life free from nostalgia. :)

Cheers !


  1. You echoed my thoughts on that one aractus..that's almost what I wished for myself too:)

    Happy new year!

  2. Oh btw, I'm in love with a new song and I thought of you when I thought of who else might love it- give it a shot, its called 'dhoop ke makaan' from the movie Break ke baad..

  3. whoa ! how did i miss this song ?! thanks a million !

  4. Glad you liked it:)
    ps: I might end up making the blog private for a bit, do I have a way of sending you an invite without invading either's space?

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  6. Thanks! You can remove the previous comment if you like..
